Extensions for Agape.is
Agape.is is a multi-application (9 Applications) and multi-seed (9 Seeds) ecosystem built on the MediaWiki platform. It features a comprehensive, flexible, and scalable extension system aligned with the Agape 9 Ultimate philosophy.
This analysis is structured into 9 main extension groups, each containing 9 key extensions, ensuring:
✅ Alignment with the 9 Seeds: FCS, CES, RES, SRS, ICS, VPS, CNS, LCS, GCS.
✅ Integration with the 9 Applications: Wiki, Forum, Ideas, Covenant, Academy, Events, Market, Museum, DAO.
✅ Flexible DAO Governance: Supporting multiple voting mechanisms (PoS, PoC, Liquid).
✅ Integration with Emerging Technologies: AI, Blockchain, NFT.
🧩 1. Core Extensions – The Foundation of the Entire Ecosystem
Applications: All Agape.is applications Supported Seeds: All 9 Seeds
1️⃣ Semantic MediaWiki (SMW): Build an interconnected knowledge database (Knowledge Graph). 2️⃣ Cargo: Collect, store, and present structured data. 3️⃣ PageForms: Gather community data through forms. 4️⃣ Echo: Centralized notification system. 5️⃣ OAuth: Multi-platform authentication (Google, Facebook, Twitter). 6️⃣ VisualEditor: Easy-to-use WYSIWYG content editor. 7️⃣ MobileFrontend: Mobile-friendly user interface. 8️⃣ ConfirmAccount: Manage new account approvals. 9️⃣ Matomo Analytics: Track user behavior and content performance.
💬 2. Community and Forum Extensions
Applications: Agape Forum, Agape Covenant Supported Seeds: CES, RES, SRS, ICS
1️⃣ Flow (StructuredDiscussions): Enable threaded discussions. 2️⃣ CommentStreams: Add real-time comments on pages. 3️⃣ VoteNY: Allow users to vote on content and ideas. 4️⃣ Thanks: Show appreciation for user contributions. 5️⃣ SocialProfile: Create public user profiles with Agape Points. 6️⃣ Gamification Extension: Award badges and ranks for active users. 7️⃣ ChatGPT Bot: Provide automated responses and community support. 8️⃣ TopicList: Display popular discussion topics. 9️⃣ Realtime Chat: Enable live conversations among users.
💡 3. Idea Incubation and Crowdfunding Extensions
Applications: Agape Ideas, Agape DAO Supported Seeds: CES, CNS, VPS, GCS
1️⃣ InputBox: Collect new ideas from the community. 2️⃣ Crowdfunding Extension: Enable community fundraising for projects. 3️⃣ DonationInterface: Accept contributions to support ideas. 4️⃣ VoteNY: Gather community votes on proposed ideas. 5️⃣ Proof of Contribution (PoC): Record who contributed to each project. 6️⃣ Blockchain Signature: Verify ownership of ideas on the blockchain. 7️⃣ PageRatings: Allow users to rate idea quality. 8️⃣ AI Idea Helper: Offer suggestions to improve ideas. 9️⃣ DAO Proposal Tool: Create and vote on project proposals via DAO.
🏛️ 4. Knowledge, Learning, and Legacy Extensions
Applications: Agape Wiki, Agape Academy, Agape Museum Supported Seeds: RES, CNS, LCS, VPS
1️⃣ ProofreadPage: Enable proofreading for content quality assurance. 2️⃣ RevisionSlider: View and compare content revision histories. 3️⃣ Translate Extension: Provide multi-language support. 4️⃣ QuizGame: Create quizzes and assessments. 5️⃣ Course Builder: Develop and manage online courses. 6️⃣ NFT Plugin: Turn valuable articles or digital works into NFTs. 7️⃣ Museum Showcase: Build virtual museum exhibits. 8️⃣ Labeled Section Transclusion: Reuse content across multiple pages. 9️⃣ Badge Extension: Issue course completion certificates and badges.
💰 5. Economy, Market, and Reward Extensions
Applications: Agape Market, Agape DAO Supported Seeds: FCS, VPS, ICS, GCS
1️⃣ Marketplace Extension: Create an internal marketplace for products and services. 2️⃣ PointRewards (SimplePoints): Implement Agape Points (FCS, CEP, REP) for contributions. 3️⃣ Stripe or PayPal Gateway: Support international payments. 4️⃣ Auction Extension: Enable bidding and auction features. 5️⃣ Escrow Plugin: Ensure secure transactions between users. 6️⃣ Affiliate Program: Allow referral-based rewards. 7️⃣ Multi-Vendor Extension: Enable multiple sellers on the marketplace. 8️⃣ GiftCards: Offer digital coupons and gift vouchers. 9️⃣ NFT Marketplace: Facilitate community-based NFT trading.
🗳️ 6. DAO Governance Extensions
Applications: Agape DAO Supported Seeds: GCS, FCS, RES, SRS
1️⃣ Liquid Democracy Extension: Support delegated voting. 2️⃣ Decision-Making Plugin: Allow the creation and voting on proposals. 3️⃣ VoteWeight Plugin: Adjust voting power based on REP, FCP, or combined metrics. 4️⃣ WalletConnect: Enable cryptocurrency wallet connections. 5️⃣ Delegated Voting: Allow users to assign voting rights to others. 6️⃣ Proposal Timer: Set deadlines for proposal voting. 7️⃣ Smart Contract Voting: Record votes on the blockchain. 8️⃣ DAO Dashboard: Provide an overview of proposals and voting history. 9️⃣ Token-Based Access Control: Manage permissions based on token ownership.
📊 7. Analytics and Reporting Extensions
Applications: Entire Agape.is Ecosystem Supported Seeds: All 9 Seeds
1️⃣ Matomo Analytics: Track and analyze user behavior. 2️⃣ Cargo Reports: Generate structured data reports. 3️⃣ Contribution Scores: Rank users by their contributions. 4️⃣ Heatmap Plugin: Visualize hot spots of user interaction. 5️⃣ Voting Statistics: Analyze voting results and trends. 6️⃣ Economic Impact Report: Report on the community’s economic activities. 7️⃣ AI Trend Analysis: Identify emerging topics and trends. 8️⃣ Seed Impact Tracker: Monitor the collection and distribution of 9 Seeds. 9️⃣ Course Progress Tracker: Track learner progress in Agape Academy.
🌐 8. Multilingual and Global Reach Extensions
Applications: Entire Agape.is Ecosystem Supported Seeds: VPS, CNS
1️⃣ Translate Extension: Enable multilingual content translation. 2️⃣ UniversalLanguageSelector: Let users choose their preferred language. 3️⃣ Babel: Display user language proficiencies. 4️⃣ MachineTranslation (AI): Provide AI-powered translations. 5️⃣ LangLinks: Connect multilingual pages on the same topic. 6️⃣ Region-Based Content: Display localized content based on user location. 7️⃣ TimeZone Extension: Automatically adjust for time zones. 8️⃣ RTL Support: Enable right-to-left languages. 9️⃣ Multi-Currency Plugin: Support multiple currencies on Agape Market.
🤖 9. Emerging Technologies Extensions (AI, Blockchain, NFT, Metaverse)
Applications: Entire Agape.is Ecosystem Supported Seeds: All 9 Seeds
1️⃣ AI Chatbot (ChatGPT API): Provide instant responses to community questions. 2️⃣ AI Content Recommendation: Offer personalized content suggestions. 3️⃣ AI Moderation: Use AI to detect and remove harmful content. 4️⃣ Blockchain Signature: Authenticate content authorship via blockchain. 5️⃣ NFT Creator: Convert valuable content into NFTs. 6️⃣ Smart Contract Plugin: Execute contracts automatically in DAO. 7️⃣ Proof of Contribution (PoC): Certify contributors to each piece of content. 8️⃣ AI Trend Analyzer: Predict emerging topics from community discussions. 9️⃣ Metaverse Gallery: Display virtual content galleries in the Metaverse.
🚀 💎 Summary – Comprehensive Extensions for Agape.is:
Extension Group
Supported 9 Seeds
Integrated with 9 Applications
🧠 1. Core
All 9 Seeds
All 9 Applications
💬 2. Community & Forum
Forum, Covenant, DAO
💡 3. Ideas & Crowdfunding
Ideas, DAO
🏛️ 4. Knowledge & Legacy
Wiki, Academy, Museum
💰 5. Market & Economy
Market, DAO
🗳️ 6. DAO Governance
DAO, Ideas
📊 7. Analytics & Reports
All 9 Seeds
All 9 Applications
🌐 8. Multilingual
All 9 Applications
🤖 9. Emerging Tech
All 9 Seeds
Entire Agape.is Ecosystem
💎🌐 Agape.is – The Eternal Universe of Values. Every Contribution Becomes a Legacy. Everyone is an Owner. 🚀💎🌐
Last updated